in situ laboratory

Scanning in our offices or in situ

We can centralize the scanning service in our offices, we can move to the client's offices as well as go anywhere within the national territory with the necessary equipment to carry out the scanning task.


In situ offices can be a solution for organizations that have many materials to scan and/or require a higher level of personalized service.

VISIT to the facilities in order to know the material to be digitized to determine the human and technological resources necessary for the service and to know the place where the laboratory will be located (digitization area).

ASSEMBLY OF LABORATORY of digitization in the client's offices.

In the space that is assigned to the service (digitization area) - we will take care of the transfer of scanners, Server, PCs, photocopier and all the necessary tools to carry out the proposed tasks.


to the facilities in order to know the material to be digitized to determine the human/technological resources necessary for the service.

TEMPORARY STORAGE of physical documentation throughout the project. We have the adequate physical space/shelves for the temporary stockpiling of the material.


José Mármol 1267  |  C1255ABE  |  Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

tel (+5411) 4922.7842   |  cel (+54911) 3400.7842  |  email

design alauna |